Pastor's Page
Dwyane Andrews was called as new pastor June 10, 2012. The Church ordained Pastor Andrews July 1, 2012.
Pastor Dwayne Andrews
I'll always remember the day during vacation bible school at Little Rock Baptist Church that I, by faith, asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and become my Savior. Our pastor came into the room and shared the gospel of Christ with the class. I'll never forget him asking us to repeat the sinner's prayer after him if we were really sincere about being saved. My heart was thumping so hard I'm sure the others could hear it. I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. When the pastor started the prayer, he said repeat after me. I wanted to get saved so badly I did just what he said and nervously repeated" repeat after me"!! Now, thirty eight years later, that has a certain amount of humor to it, but that day God graciously and mercifully saved a fourteen year old boy.
Through the years I have at times failed the Lord, but he has always been there to work with me through difficult days to lovingly correct and guide me back to a right relationship with Him.
Almost twenty-seven years ago, God dealt with my heart about preaching the gospel. I allowed discouragement and other things in life to help me avoid His call until about six years ago. I really began to consider God's call to preach. At almost the same time I came to Lewis Fork as Minister of Music I enrolled in Foothills Christian Bible College. I graduated with a certificate of Biblical studies in 2010.
God has allowed me to serve churches in several capacities through the years to allow me to learn many of the functions of the local church. For this I am very grateful.
Now a wife, two daughters, two son-in-laws, and three grandsons later, God has given a new and exciting opportunity for service. As Pastor of Lewis Fork Baptist Church I am committed to
1. Boldly proclaiming the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Leading our people in exalting and magnifying the name of Jesus Christ through hearts of worship.
3. Uncompromising proclamation of the authority of God's Word.
4. Believing in the unwavering power of prayer and
5. Teaching and discipline the saints of God.
Thank you Lewis Fork Baptist Church for the awesome privilege and opportunity of serving you!
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1
We love you all very much!
Pastor Dwayne
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